If you were to ask any of my close friends, or anyone I’m around daily, they’d undoubtedly agree that I love Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. Do I sound indulgent? Yes. But do I care how I seem when it comes to one of the best things ever created? Absolutely not.
This obsession started fairly recently, around the beginning of the school year. I only had an hour before choir practice, so as I wandered aimlessly through Walmart, I spotted it. It truly felt like destiny. Naturally, as any sane person would, I began buying a new flavor before every choir practice. So far, I’ve tried around eight flavors, and I have no intention of stopping anytime soon.
From what I’ve gathered, my favorite flavor might be Milk & Cookies. This was the flavor that started it all—it convinced me that I was in love with this brand.
Looking back at what I’ve written, I must sound pretty obsessed, but at this point, I don’t really care.
My ultimate goal with this hyperfixation is to try every single flavor Ben & Jerry’s has to offer. However, this only applies to flavors that include chocolate—it feels almost wrong to eat ice cream without it. Thank you for listening to my rant about my destined quest, not like you had much choice though!