Dereck Acevedo Garcia, Reporter
I’m a junior now at Eisenhower starting my first year in Journalism with an emphasis in sports journalism articles. Outside of writing articles, I play football, soccer and basketball. My favorite teams are the 49ers, Everton FC, LA Lakers, but most of all USC. I’m also a musician, playing bass, drums & acoustic guitar. I’m interested in all music alternative and cultures countered, alongside computer science and social activism. I plan on being a licensed clinical social worker and prominent activist in Los Angeles when I am older, and I hope to find new perspectives and better ways to call to action through this paper.
I’m involved in the newspaper because I have always loved writing and journaling about things that are very interesting to me, things that I like and the beliefs I hold. This newspaper wll give me an outlet to keep all of the students of Eisenhower properly informed not just on the games around all the athletics, but also social issues, problems with conformity, denunciation of common bullying and the promotion of mental health. It is important to have a student run school paper to make sure that all students are aware of their surroundings and are able to properly make their own decisions and opinions knowing they learned from a reliable source rather than word of mouth, as well as give the students of Eisenhower a voice and exercise their rights of freedom of press.