Emily Garcia, Reporter
I’m a senior here at Eisenhower High School that enjoys listening to different kinds of music genres. This is my first year here in the school newspaper, but I’m excited to be here as I plan to provide almost weekly news about the different kinds of music I listen to. I’ll provide different songs from each artist that I talk about each week hoping you at least enjoy the different songs I provide from artists. It’s important to have the school newspaper today to explore different things as well, exploring different kinds of music is exciting with how many different genres are out in the world.
I’m involved in the school newspaper as I wanted to tell people about the different kinds of music I listen to as it changes every week with new artists I discover or the same artists I’ve known for years. Being involved would help me see if other people in the school have the same music taste as me wanting to talk a little bit more about them with others. It’s important to have students run a school paper allowing students and teachers to see a different perspective of us outside of school.